Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Am a Creature of My Genes

Soup, anyone? Also, I made this apron from two old thrift-store skirts. Sewing is also on the desired list of indoor Samhain activities.
The Celts don't fool around when it comes to seasons. There's Imbolc in the spring -- think Maypoles and such -- and rolling in around Halloween we have Samhain (pronounced kind of like "sown"). It's a time to go inside. Inside your home, inside your family, inside your mind.

I'm right on target. Even though this crazy California weather feels like April in Seattle, the thought of going out fills me with dread, as I think about the piles on my desk that are part of a high-minded refiling/reorganization project. I want to get back to our bathroom remodel, which, at this moment, has beautiful new tile, snowy white trim, and yards of blue painting tape in preparation for the main event. The spare down comforter has made its seasonal migration to the couch, where we and a dog or two lounge like bears and watch Katherine/Audrey Hepburn movies. 

I will eventually call you back, or make that plan with you, or come see your New Thing. But I hope that you understand I am in a mental nesting phase. I can't help it. I'm Irish.

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