Saturday, April 5, 2008

Just Ask

The other day we went to deliver a suitcase from the States to Mother Catherine, a friend of Ilya's. She works at St. Mary's Russian Orthodox church in Jerusalem. She's actually from California, and came to be a nun after she was miraculously cured from cancer by drinking goat's milk. She's super cool. I instantly loved her after she told me the story of Mary Magdalene through a series of four paintings in the entryway of the church. Her cell phone kept ringing "Ave Maria."

Upon leaving, she invited me to stay in the convent the next time I was there.

Now, I'm not a particularly religious person, and I certainly shy away from all denominational labels. But here's the weird thing. We walked through the lovely garden graveyard and as I left through the gates, a voice came into my head. "It's okay to ask for miracles," it said. Clear and strong, just like that.

What do I have to lose?


Jeanne McGrady said...

I am just LOVING reading about your experiences in Israel!!! Much love to you!

Angie McCullagh said...

So what are you going to ask for? Or do you keep it secret, like a birthday wish?

Fat Yeti (Daniel Morris) said...

Call me cynical but it seems to me that she should have become a goatherd not a nun.